The Property Status indicates whether a property is ready or not ready for guests. The Property Status can be set by Service Providers when they're completing a job, or by Administrators and Property Manager users on your account. Reviewing your Property Status daily is a great way to quickly identify which properties need attention before guests arrive.
Changing your Property Status
By default, all properties are marked as Ready. You may need to change the Property Status to Not Ready if there's an issue at the Property. On the other hand, if a Service Provider marks your rental as Not Ready, you may need to change the status to Ready, once the issue is resolved.
Click Properties on the left navigation bar and select Properties.
Click into the property you wish to update and navigate to the Property Status dropdown.
Select the option you choose to set the property as.
Where is the Property Status displayed?
In the Properties List- the Property Status will be displayed as a dot on the left of the property name and image.
A green dot signifies that the property is ready while a pink dot signifies that the property is not ready and needs your attention.
On the calendar- the Property Status will be displayed as green or pink dot on the left of the property name and image.
On the Dashboard- you'll be able to see how many properties are marked as ready and not ready for guests.

Once you keep your Property Status up-to-date, you'll never forget which rentals need your attention, thereby avoiding the awkward situation of a property not being ready for your guests.