As a Service provider, once you've accepted a job request from your Client, you're expected to show up at the property to complete the job. For more details on accepting job requests, please see our Accepting and Declining Job Requests article.
This article takes you through the steps involved in starting and completing a job.
Start a JobYou may start a job from any one of these three pages:
Dashboard: Click the Checklist icon on the top left to navigate to the Dashboard. Click Start in the Upcoming Jobs table.Jobs list: Click Jobs on the left navigation bar. Click Start.
Job Details: Click into a job (from your calendar, jobs list or dashboard) and click Start.
Only Accepted jobs can be started.Be sure to review the property instructions if added. These are important instructions sent by the Client.Mark Tasks as CompleteOn the job overlay, navigate to the Checklist tab. Tasks will be laid out by the room. As you complete each task, mark them as 'Completed'.
Add Images and Comments to TasksYou may add images to each task as a confirmation that the task was completed and add a comment explaining what was done, if need.
Finish the Job- Complete all tasks and mark them as completed.
- Click the Finish button.You may also finish jobs by clicking the Finish button on the Dashboard or on the Jobs page, similar to starting a job.Set the property statusUpon clicking the Finish button, you will be be able to mark the property as ready for guests.
- If you believe the rental is ready for guests, select the Complete job & Mark rentalThe status of a property indicates whether a property is ready or not ready for guests . This can be controlled by both the Property Manager’s account and in the Service Providers account. This article specifically highlights the steps for doing it for the latter.
Before marking a Job as finished, two pop ups would appear. One ensuring that you would like to finish the Job and the other questioning if you would like to mark the property as ready or not for the guest.
On the second pop-up, click yes for the option to mark the property as ready.

That's it!